Mortalidad infraestructuras SE

by SEO/BirdLife



This application is created to communicate the finding of birds or any type of injured or dead fauna in some type of infrastructure, mainly: Roads, train tracks, power lines, wind farms and windows (glass buildings and plastic screens in sports centers and roads) .It is an SEO / BirdLife monitoring program that aims to be a double tool:• Identification of mortality black points by recording point observations.• Identification of the size of the number of fauna affected by infrastructures at the state level if it is used as a monitoring program.Regardless of the effort that each person makes through walks in the vicinity of the most frequent areas, as periodic as each collaborator considers and that are enormously useful for the identification of threats and quantification of mortality caused by human activity in the fauna, they will be carried out Specific campaigns that will be announced on this website of the organization and the collaborators who are registered in this application.